OK so I am gearing up for a very busy April with Camp NaNoWriMo & the fun A-Z challenge! Also I am catching up on gardening stuff! The weather turned nice again, so I am raking, planting, and general gardening. I surely am not as young as I used to be, but I am happy doing it! When I raked the leaves off the gardens, I was pleasantly surprised at all the little green things from last year that decided to join us again. I got the wildflower seeds that I ordered, now just waiting for the plants.
Anyway, I wish you all a very merry spring, happy writing, and a pleasant & safe journey blog hopping.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
So -- at the last minute I signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo. This should be a busy month with A-Z & the Camp. But I need to write anyway, so this is a good way for me to focus on it. I have long wanted to do this, so I am excited. And looking forward to A-Z too! So I will see ya'll somewhere or the other!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
So, we are having snow flurries here. A few little white puffy flakes just dancing around. And it is cold out! I hope my seeds are ok that I planted. Obviously I have put my planting on hold, and prefer to sulk inside instead of doing anything else I should be doing out there. This is supposed to be enjoyable!!
In other news, I am sure we all are gearing up for the A-Z challenge, & I am looking forward to bloghopping. A nice way to take a virtual vacation!
Sorry about that, the shock nearly killed me.
In other news, I am sure we all are gearing up for the A-Z challenge, & I am looking forward to bloghopping. A nice way to take a virtual vacation!
Sorry about that, the shock nearly killed me.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Good morning all! I have been having some downtime since I came back. I unpacked everything and settled in, then had a problem with internet. Yesterday we went riding around all day which is one of my very favorite things to do! I just love seeing all these huge white houses in the southland. All these little offsprings of Tara set my poor heart aflutter! And yes, of course, Spring Fever has set in and I have started the gardening and planting for real. What a joy to pull out my seed collection & see what i have to work with! PLAYTIME! But there's alot of work to do also out there that I am trying not to see in my excitement to get seeds & plants in the ground. You know I will get to it eventually.. And anxiously awaiting to see what comes up from last year's planting. Are there any other spring fairies out there??
Thursday, March 14, 2013
How glorious it is! And everything is blooming, makes me want to plant more. I am still unpacking & recovering from Florida trip though. The air is so sweet here, I can breathe again! I am trying to set up desk area again, so will post better and get back to writing very soon. I miss it. I was in the middle of a lot of creativity when I headed off to Florida.
The cats missed me as much as I missed them. There is nothing like home. Wherever it may be. I am tired of living with everything packed for a move. Even though I don't have that much, I need it to function at 100%.
Hope spring is smiling at you all out there, and all your flowers are in bloom. Happy spring!
The cats missed me as much as I missed them. There is nothing like home. Wherever it may be. I am tired of living with everything packed for a move. Even though I don't have that much, I need it to function at 100%.
Hope spring is smiling at you all out there, and all your flowers are in bloom. Happy spring!
Friday, March 8, 2013

I plant wherever I am, and I do it for the Earth. I consider it an important step in preserving Our Mother's health. I enjoy watching things grow too -- unless it is kudzu. Then only on someone else's land!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
While I am looking for a house here in Florida with no luck... here is one I found online that I think is PERFECT! I love colors. All colors. All together. I would love to live in this house!
Friday, March 1, 2013
The Florida version. Funny that the A Dream Away poem posted, as it is kinda how I feel right now. I am conflicted. I have spent the year up in Georgia crying about Florida- i LOVE Florida insanely. It is so beautiful. But it is a shock to come here after being in the peaceful mountains so long. There are so many people and it is so built up here. I have felt kind of displaced since I got here, and only felt comfortable out at my fav beach. I suppose when I lived here, I didn't notice that it was built up so much that I couldn't see the true nature of it. It is like a million neon signs pointing to one tiny treasure, so much so that it blocks your view of the treasure. It makes me sad. Natural Florida is so beautiful and unique. Man is so concerned about invasive species, they need to remember that THEY are the worst invasive species there is. I still love it here. I am just sticking my head out of my shell slowly and peeping around. But I haven't connected like I used to be connected. I find solace in remembering my gypsy blood, that helps me to center myself more to remember that wherever I am is home. I am finally catching up on sleep which helps too. And the allergy pills are helping finally- I was totally bombarded when I got here. I suppose the real deciding factor is that I miss my cats! Wherever THEY are is TRULY home.
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