Time to celebrate the small things. This is a bloghop. Today I would like to celebrate Netflix... YAY Netflix! And I would like to celebrate Florida beaches. *(sigh)*
Time to celebrate the small things. This is a bloghop. I can't believe it is Friday already again. Well this week I will celebrate the online writing community. Nice to know you all, thanks for the support. My name has come up to write another portion of Jennifer Eaton's story.. It won't print for a few months though. Not much left of augno. But I am getting a lot organized with it. I wish you all happy writing and publishing out there! I am very grateful for the ebook I won in a contest through Jennifer Eaton: Ghosts in the Mirror by Joyce Mangola! Thank you both, I Am excited and will read it (and review ASAP. THANK YOU!!
Time to celebrate the small things. This is a bloghop. Mea Culpa, ya'll. I forgot Celebrate Friday. I have been totally lost in my own writing rat's nests -- it is a good thing, and I am enjoying it, but I have totally lost track of time here. I am also actively working on those Desdinova files, so I can make it available in print by early next month. And I am working on AugNo as well. Lately I have been digging out old story ideas to write them up as one act plays, something I have long wanted to do. I am pretty excited about that. This week I want to celebrate education. Though we may have suffered while we were in school, it prepared us for our own versions of life, and gave us our unique ways of expressing ourselves, and communicating. If we knew then, what we know now, me might have prepared ourselves a little better, and taken it more seriously. But I guess the young have to be young. And I want to add a "Happy Writing" to all my writer pals out there. Now I have to bury my head again. Sorry again that this is a day late...
I lifted this straight from an AugNo forum and re-posting this for my writer pals... Thanks to moderater Erin for all her hard work ferreting it out - the writing world is much obliged!! AugNo Post "I know that everyone is absolutely in love with AugNo, but I also know that some people want to write with the company of other writers, so sparked by someone in the chat wanting to know about the other WriMos, I decided that I would post this list with all of the WriMos I [personally] know about. Feel free to add to the bottom if you know more!
Year-Round: National Novel Writing Year | http://wriye.co.nr | Known as WriYe. This is the official [and permanent] home of the WriYe website, with a link to their forums. The goals are chosen by you and there are clubs for each goal groups, similar to AugNo. It's never too late to join WriYe and all of the words you've written this year [as long as they fit the rules] will count towards it. WriYe has a Twitter at http://twitter.com/wriye .
National Novel Publishing Year | http://www.nanopubye.org/ | Known as NaNoPubYe There are various ways to mold PubYe into a way that's helpful for you. There are many different sections of the forums to work on query letters, synopses, writing, editing, and everything in between! The traditional PubYe Plan will have you submitting a class act novel within 12 months from the WriMo month that you write the novel during [traditionally: November].
January: January Novel Writing Month | http://www.ymakadomain.com/janno | Known as JanNo This is another smaller WriMo where you can set your own goals. The community is very close-knit on the JanNo forums.
February Album Writing Month | http://www.fawm.org | Known as FAWM The goal is to write 14 complete songs [lyrics and music] within the month of February. The idea is that by the end of the month, you will have an album ready to record by the end of the month.
Interactive Fiction Writing Month | http://www.instamatique.com/if | Known as IF Write a Chose You Own Adventure type-novel from 15 February - 15 March.
March: National Novel Editing Month | http://www.nanoedmo.net/xoops2/ | Known as EdMo Within the month of March, you're supposed to edit 50 hours on your novel.
April: April Fools | http://aprilfoolsnovels.com/forum/index.php | Known as April Fools / AF This is another choose your own goal WriMo. It has a word count system set up on its own server and you are awarded PIPs [small avatars] when you reach milestone word counts.
Script Frenzy | http://www.scriptfrenzy.org/ | Known as Screnzy One of the official WriMos hosted by the Office of Letters and Light. The goal is to write 100 pages of a script within the month of April.
National Poetry Writing Month | Known as NaPoWriMo Write a poem every day during the month of April.
June: Write a Damn Novel in June | http://wridanoju.forumotion.com/forum.htm | Known as WriDaNoJu Similar to JulNo in July, this is a 50,000 word, NaNoWriMo inspired challenge to write a novel during the month of June.
Southern Cross Novel Challenge | http://kiwiwriters.org | Known as SocNoc Another 50,000 word challenge in June, sponsored by the Kiwi Writers.
July: July Novel Writing Month | http://www.julnowrimo.com | Known as JulNo Next to AugNo, JulNo is by far the best WriMo around. It is rigidly structured after NaNo and thus, the goal is 50k for everyone.
The 50 Song Challenge | http://5090.fawm.org/ | Known as 50/90 Starting on 04 July and ending on 01 October, you have 90 days to write 50 songs. I don't know if that means music and lyrics or just lyrics, but whichever. It exists.
August August Novel Writing Month | http://augno.co.nr | Known as AugNo Obviously, if you're reading this you know about AugNo, but I wanted to make an extensive and complete list. There is also a livejournal community at http://community.livejournal.com/augnowrimo .
September: 3-Day Novel Contest | http://www.3daynovel.com | Known as 3-Day Write, edit, and enter a novel [usually more of a novella, but come on... it's 3 days!] that was written completely over the Labor Day weekend! Downside: $50 entry fee. Upside: PRIZES! And good ones: 1st Prize: Publication [via Arsenal Pulp Press] 2nd Prize: $500 3rd Prize: $100
November: National Novel Writing Month | http://www.nanowrimo.org | Known as NaNo The original WriMo -- 50k in one month! Chris Baty is to thank for pretty much this entire list.
National Solo Album Writing Month | http://www.nasoalmo.org | Known as NaSoAlMo This is what the site says: "An album qualifies for National Solo Album Month if you have written, played and recorded it entirely by yourself during the month of November. The only slack you get is that one song is allowed to be a cover, your own freshly-recorded version of another artist's song." And the album needs to be no less than approximately 30 minutes long.
December: National Novel Finishing Month | http://www.nanofimo.org/forums/index.php | Known as FiMo The goal of this WriMo is to add 30,000 new words to your NaNo Novel to make it a minimum of 80k, more the size of a novel, as opposed to a novella.
Time to celebrate the small things. This is a bloghop. Well this Friday almost slipped by me! I was very busy today, typing up the short stories I wrote for AugNo. So I want to be very thankful for that. I am thankful for the muse, who visits when I need it. And for the many writing camps out there for us yearning writers. We finally got some good rain, I am very thankful for that. I just love rain-- but I don't like having to be out in it. I have figured out what is causing my excruciating lower back pain. Guess what. It is my desk/chair combo! Since I am usually sitting in there, that is not a good thing. Guess I will have to work out something different. So I have been using the kitchen table for now. I do want to celebrate Florida beaches, too. I really miss the beach life, and "Island time". Not that I have anything pressing. It is just as slow and peaceful in the mountains. I miss the sound of the waves and cries of seabirds. Okay, I got that out of my system, time to get back to writing. Happy Celebrations to all.
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time. check them out here. Well hello there. I have so many projects going on now. But it feels good to be deep in them and not just thinking about it. I still have to re-edit Desdinova for print. Dang, I just need to DO IT! and be over it! I enjoyed July Camp Nano... I worked on a YA novel Southern Gothic. I still have a lot of work to do on it, but I am glad to have written all that I have-- it feels like something now, instead of just an idea. I am enrolled in AugNoWriMo now. For this camp, I decided to work on some short stories from the "story idea jars" and the files I have. I wanted to just have some of them DONE, and not clogging my files. Then I wrote one of the short stories, and hmmm, figured it would fit into a future novel idea perfectly.. And I had the brainflash that not every idea actually needs to be written up-- I need to work on the important things. The big projects. So I decided to just write the anthology story for AugNo, and go back to Southern Gothic. There is a list on the AugNo forum boards of all the different Camps thru the year, so I am thinking of just keeping on with them. I am looking forward to an October Camp for gothic novels. Got a fleshy idea for that one too! I am going to just state right here- that my goal for the next time IWSG rolls around- I will have Desdinova available in print.. Yikes, so I better get busy here! Happy inky trails to all my fellow writers!
Back again.. Today I want to celebrate family again, as my beloved cousins will be visiting for a few days. I want to celebrate technology, that allows us writers an easier time of it, and the online writing camps available. Also I want to celebrate you fellow writers, inky trails blessings to you! I
want to celebrate writing buddies, and give a shout out to my campmate buddy Jaileen. Thanks for the company! Happy day everyone, and may the blessings fall like a soft spring rain on your heads.